32Bit aims at providing you highly secure experience and it means taking your privacy very seriously. Privacy policy explains how we use personal information, got at this website. Please pay attention to the below information and find more about our privacy policy.
The policy describes how 32Bit uses personal information which was received and collected by 32Bit on http://32bit.com, including information about your past use of 32Bit products. Personal information is considered to be information about you. It is personally recognized like your first name, physical address, email, last name, and which isn’t alternatively publicly available.
This policy does not apply to the services of companies that 32Bit does not control or own or to people that 32Bit does not manage.
32Bit gets personal information when you use 32Bit subscription products or services, and when you visit certain 32Bit pages.
As soon as you register with 32Bit and choose our services, you are not anonymous to us anymore. We use the information you provide us with to offer you a more professional attitude.
The information 32Bit gets, is used for the following aims: to process your requests for products, to customize the content and advertisement you see on the website, improve our software, contact you, and conduct research.
32Bit does not sell and/or share your personal information with other individuals or nonaffiliated organizations and companies, besides providing products or services you've requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances:
We suppose that it is necessary to exchange information in order to discourage, investigate, or employ measures regarding unauthorized activities, and violations of 32Bit Terms of Use.
32Bit reserves the right to configure and access 32Bit cookies on your PC.
32Bit will have access to 32Bit cookies previously kept on your computer when on our network of web sites in order to provide you with the best most customized experience.
Only specially authorized representatives may access the servers.
32Bit reserve the right to update this privacy policy. General updates will be performed with prominent notice on our website.
32Bit values the chance of cooperation with you! If you have any suggestions or questions about our software, please feel free to contact us via email by clicking here.